Friday, May 26, 2017

What's Up?!

Hi, I'm Dock! Thanks for visiting my new blog! Today was my last day of 6th grade and I'm excited to share the events that I'll do this summer!
We had an award ceremony at school today. Teachers gave out awards to the students with the most kind hearts and determination. Even though I had something called "PANDAS"  this year and was doing homebound school most of the year, I recently started back and they gave me an award for "Best Teammate". I felt happy that they were sweet to me.
Now I'm excited to be going in the 7th grade next year and I'm excited about SUMMER! I can't wait to tell you about all the fun things I'm going to do! Like festivals, concerts, plays, sports, etc! I am also going to go on a trip, probably to Florida or New Jersey to see family and we are moving to a new house too! Happy Summer break! Come back for more excitement and adventures that I want to share with you!
PS) Let me know in the comments what YOUR plans are this summer!


  1. Happy summer Dock!! Looking forward to your adventures and planning some of my own, thanks to your blog! 😊😊

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog.I hope you have an awesome summer.

  2. Hi Dock! This is my 3rd attempt to post, so hopefully 3rd time's the charm. I am so proud of you finishing 6th grade with your class & receiving an award. It's so exciting that you're moving to a new home. I can't wait until Thanksgiving, but meanwhile enjoy your summer & keep in touch! Your Aunt Karen loves you!

    1. I love you too.I will go to Cheekwood thanks to you.

  3. Just read your weekend blog & you had TOO much fun...not possible, right? Dock, you're becoming quite the writer...wonder where you got that talent...ha! Please keep writing & sharing. Love you'



Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...