Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Movie Villain Fights: Maleficent VS Hela from Thor Ragnarock

Today we're gonna compare two mistresses of evil: Maleficent VS Hela. They are both very similar and are some of the darkest female antagonist of all time. (Sorry Proxima Midnight).  Lets now battle them head to head to see who is the better villain, as the first installment of my Movie Villain Fight Series

Image result for maleficent
  Villain #1: Maleficent

Home: Forbiden Mountain

Pets: Diablo (raven)

Minions: Goons

Children: Lilith Page (Once Upon a Time)

Killer: Prince Phillip

Species: Dark Fairy

Love Instrest: King Stefan (formerly)

Abilites: Able to cast Magic spells, Shapeshifting into a fire breathing Dragon

Voice: Eleanor Audley

Portrayed by: Angelina Jolie



Image result for Hela

 Villain #2: Hela

Powers: Able to conjur weapons from thin air; can destroy power weapons like Mjolnir

Homeland: Asgard

Family: Odin (father), Thor (half-brother), Loki (adopted half brother), Mother (Unknown)

Place of Banishment: Hell

Job Titles: General of Odin (formally), Godess of Death

Killed: All of the Valkires except the woman who became Scrapper 142 on Sakaar, the Warriors Three

Pet: Fenris

Killer: Surtur

Featured in: Thor: Ragnarock

Played by: Cate Blanchett

Conclusion: Hela is a better villain because she is more powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting new blog, Dock - I learned a lot that I didn't know! So glad you will be writing a lot this summer! You are really great at it - Love you, 'aunt' Leslie



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