Friday, April 10, 2020

Being Qurantined

What is up with the Coronavirus, are we living in an alternate reality? In a weird way, It
is kind of like I was preparing for this staying at home thing for a while. In the fifth grade,
 I got diagnosed with something called PANDAS and I am not talking about the cute little bears. PANDAS is a misguided autoimmune response that makes some kids not feel or act like
themselves when they are exposed to an illness like strep and can cause anxiety about school.
 Even though I think I am growing out of it and feeling a lot better now, I decided to be
 "homebound" for my freshman year of high school. Doing my school work from home is more relaxing for me and in some ways, it is working out really good because I am getting all A’s. But, I haven’t been able to do some activities like being with kids my age at school or being in school plays like when I was in “Annie” in middle school. I was planning for this spring
to be my big comeback for being social but then the Coronavirus came in and ruined my plan. I have
already been spending some whole days at home so, like I said, I have been practicing this
home thing for a while. Ironically, this quarantine is a chance for us kids who are stuck
at home to connect online, like through Zoom or Facetime or whatever because we are all in the same boat and we are all in this together.


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...