Wednesday, January 6, 2021


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that it has been almost one year of Covid. So as a way to feel better, I decided to continue doing my old blog “What’s Up, Dock” for fun.

Even though I have been on a big hiatus, I can’t wait to write stories about what I find interesting every day. I was so busy that I had to take most of the year off. Last year was really bad in some ways but really good in some ways. Even though we were in lockdown and I have been in virtual school, I managed to still get good grades. I was also in three virtual productions and got to make friends via Zoom. The productions I got to be involved with were an Edgar Allen Poe anthology called "Shuddersome" with NCT, and "Quranteened" and "Stories" with Theater Bug. "Quranteened" (pictured) actually got in a few film festivals.  Acting is something I am really into and I can’t wait to get back to do some cool auditions in person. I could be the new Leonodo Decaprio for pete’s sake.  Ha Ha Ha! 

Though I am happy, America is still kind of in a rough spot right now. We are still divided about the results of the presidential election and don’t have a  handle on the pandemic. To add to this mess, my hometown had a really horrible year too. Our friend Grimey’s music venue was damaged by the tornado.  Downtown Nashville is messed up due to the bombing from Anthony Warner, the man who died while blowing up Second Avenue. Despite this, I am still doing fun, safe activities like distancing with my grandfather and going to Cheekwood to see the lights. 

I really hope that all of you have a good start to this new year. Wear a mask, distance and be safe, and I hope that we can have a huge party without masks to celebrate it being better later this year!


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...