Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Once Upon A Crime

Mom is an actress, so she auditioned for a dinner theater that a friend of ours, Angela, in in. So she said we could come to the show to see for ourselves what it's like. So, on last Saturday night it was thundering but we went anyway. It is in Miss Jeanne's Mystery Dinner Theater on Music Valley Drive near the Opryland Hotel. It is a parody on classic fairy tales. The characters were Classic Cinderella, hippie Snow White and country girl Belle. The boys were Prince Dashing and the Fairy Godfather who is very funny! There was a talent contest and someone murders Snow and you have to
guess whodunnit. Or, as they say in Fairytale land...Bippity-Boppity-WHO?! This is comedy/improv kind of like Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me or Saturday Night Live. I'd rate it PG, or 3 out of five in inappropriateness. I think it's ok for 11/12 years olds. It was really funny.
Here I am with "Cindy". They have shows every Saturday night which includes dinner. For more information go to

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert at the Nashville Symphony

On Christmas Day this year in my stocking were three tickets to the symphony for one of their movie concert series where they remove the music from the movie and play along. It is to attract younger audiences. They were going to do it to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and I was excited because I am a huge Harry Potter geek! I was excited even though it was so far May! (The first of the series that was going to be in January was apparently already sold out!) So we bought a Harry Potter themed wallet at the mall where we were visiting family in New Jersey, and kept the tickets in there for five whole months!
Five months later...I went to the symphony on May 2oth. The fancy name for the building is the Schermerhorn Symphony Center. I saw many adults go there without kids even. Mom's theory was that they were the first generation of kids who read the book when it first came out (in 1997) who would be around thirty now! In fact there were more grown-ups than adults there. Some of the people were in costume. I was not in costume because I thought that was a little dorkish, but I would have worn my shirt from Universal's Harry Potter World but I forgot. I was seated with a nice father and daughter. One of the best things was the Butterbeer. Butterbeer is a famous beverage in the Harry Potter books/movies. It tastes like butter meets root beer...buttery, fizzy and super sweet!
First thing the conductor said something like " you are a polite audience but you can applaud or go crazy for your favorite characters" that made it really fun because people cheered for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbaldore, Snape, etc.  (I cheered the most for Harry.) The score was incredible and the truth is when I watch the Harry Potter films I always liked the score but not that much. BUT, the symphony made it 100 times better! The music made me feel cheerful and sad and suspenseful and excited. The music was written by the great John Williams. He wrote the score for Star Wars, Jurrasic Park, ET, Indiana Jones. Jaws, Superman AND Home Alone! Oh my gosh, that's amazing. The musicians were awesome, they were the best part because the live music made it exciting! I'm excited because next year they are doing The Prisoner of Askaban on March 16th-March 18th.
I know that's a long time from now but they have other cool movies in concert before then. Next up they have Dreamworks Animation In Concert on June 16th where basically they play along to movies like Shrek, Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon. Tickets are $17-$54 and you can get them at nashvillesymphony.instantencore or call 1-615-687-6400. If you talk to our friend Bama (who works there and is awesome) tell him Dock sent you!

Friday, May 26, 2017

What's Up?!

Hi, I'm Dock! Thanks for visiting my new blog! Today was my last day of 6th grade and I'm excited to share the events that I'll do this summer!
We had an award ceremony at school today. Teachers gave out awards to the students with the most kind hearts and determination. Even though I had something called "PANDAS"  this year and was doing homebound school most of the year, I recently started back and they gave me an award for "Best Teammate". I felt happy that they were sweet to me.
Now I'm excited to be going in the 7th grade next year and I'm excited about SUMMER! I can't wait to tell you about all the fun things I'm going to do! Like festivals, concerts, plays, sports, etc! I am also going to go on a trip, probably to Florida or New Jersey to see family and we are moving to a new house too! Happy Summer break! Come back for more excitement and adventures that I want to share with you!
PS) Let me know in the comments what YOUR plans are this summer!


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...