Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Once Upon A Crime

Mom is an actress, so she auditioned for a dinner theater that a friend of ours, Angela, in in. So she said we could come to the show to see for ourselves what it's like. So, on last Saturday night it was thundering but we went anyway. It is in Miss Jeanne's Mystery Dinner Theater on Music Valley Drive near the Opryland Hotel. It is a parody on classic fairy tales. The characters were Classic Cinderella, hippie Snow White and country girl Belle. The boys were Prince Dashing and the Fairy Godfather who is very funny! There was a talent contest and someone murders Snow and you have to
guess whodunnit. Or, as they say in Fairytale land...Bippity-Boppity-WHO?! This is comedy/improv kind of like Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me or Saturday Night Live. I'd rate it PG, or 3 out of five in inappropriateness. I think it's ok for 11/12 years olds. It was really funny.
Here I am with "Cindy". They have shows every Saturday night which includes dinner. For more information go to

1 comment:


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...