Monday, August 21, 2017

The amazing eclipse of 2017

Today was when the big eclipse happened. An eclipse is when the sky becomes dark because the moon blocks the sun. It was so big that school let out because of it.We made it an event with a family party at home.We wanted to go somewhere but there was traffic so we decided to stay home. We had food that was eclipse related like Sun Chips and Moon Pies. My Grandbobby came to join in on the fun. We needed to wear glasses to watch it so we won't be blind. The totality part where you can see the eclipse without your glasses lasted for only about 1 minute but it was amazing. When I looked at it it s seemed like I was in heaven. Around me everything changed and it became dark-it wasn't as hot then and I heard crickets. That was a bucket list item for my life!  And I would like to thank my parents for giving me this magical moment.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

First Day of School

On the first day of school I did so many amazing things. I met my pride leader Mr Saldejeno (or Mr S.) and I am going to spend lots of time with him. I did OT class and I met a brand new OT. That means Occupation Therapy and she helps me with handwriting. I went to math class and I had fun learning about decimals. I did English with Miss Kim and I snacked on crackers with her. I am learning about the Burmese War. I then went to art class where I drew some stuff about me, like how I like events and about my new home. It's super cool because I never had "expeditions" (like a special class, like art) every day- my school used to do them every few weeks. I like doing them very day. Then Mom picked me up and I told her how good it was. I am doing half days now but I am working my way back to school, I was on home bound last year because I had something called PANDAS and it's hard to explain. I feel great getting back to school!


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...