Tuesday, August 8, 2017

First Day of School

On the first day of school I did so many amazing things. I met my pride leader Mr Saldejeno (or Mr S.) and I am going to spend lots of time with him. I did OT class and I met a brand new OT. That means Occupation Therapy and she helps me with handwriting. I went to math class and I had fun learning about decimals. I did English with Miss Kim and I snacked on crackers with her. I am learning about the Burmese War. I then went to art class where I drew some stuff about me, like how I like events and about my new home. It's super cool because I never had "expeditions" (like a special class, like art) every day- my school used to do them every few weeks. I like doing them very day. Then Mom picked me up and I told her how good it was. I am doing half days now but I am working my way back to school, I was on home bound last year because I had something called PANDAS and it's hard to explain. I feel great getting back to school!

1 comment:

  1. Dock! I am so glad that you had a fun first day of school! I'm SO happy that you like the book we have been reading in English class. You're a great reader! I can't wait to talk about Harry Potter and Bamboo People with you on Monday! -Mrs. Leach



Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...