Sunday, January 28, 2018

Dock goes to the Globetrotters

I went to the Harlem Globetrotters yesterday. First of all my dad was working for the Globetrotters doing PR event work so we rode downtown with him. Since we got there early me and my mom went by the Nashville Songwriter's Hall of Fame nearby in the Music City Center and saw my grandfather's exhibit there which showed his Time Marches On handwritten lyrics with mom's frame she collaged for him and a touchscreen of his life and music interviews which was awesome to see. You should go check it out if you are ever downtown.
Then on the way to Bridgestone I saw ladies in what you call a pedal tavern where they pedal while having a good time- they were probably bachelorettes or on a girl's trip. I took a picture with them and they all smiled cause I'm a cute ladies man, haha, and I took my picture with them.
And now to the main event, the Harlem Globetrotters. We met my friend Foley and his mom there and it was funny and fantastic. I liked them because unlike regular basketball they do tricks and comedy. I like when they pretend to throw gatorade at somebody but it turns out that the liquid is actually confetti. They did other cool segments too like when one of the players sang "Hello" from Adele and turned down the lights and had us all turn on our cellphone flashlights which looked like a concert. I like their mascot Globey who was really funny. It was fun. I got my picture made with Ant, a very hilarious Globetrotter.  And the next time they are in town (or if they come to your town) I  really recommend you go see them.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Snow Day

On Friday I had a snow day so I stayed home and played in the neighborhood  I sledded down a hill that was a very good place to sled. Up on that hill is a supposed old  family cemetery which belonged to this guy who lived here and had a lot of land before it was a subdivision. I also made hot choclate and played three games Monopoly,chess and taboo. I'm off today too because it is MLK day! Down below is a pic of me with a new sled. Also there's a video of  me sledding


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...