Saturday, December 30, 2017

Chigago surprise

 In the previous blog I told about a destination that me and my parents were going to as a surprise. Well,we had to find our Dog a room at Camp Bow Wow, this cool dog care place near Hundred Oaks. Dad had to get a rental car so we won't have to use so many miles on our car. Since it was a surprise I had two main guesses New Orleans or Chicago. Well it wasn't New Orleans because we were going North .I knew it was Chicago kinda because I accidentally saw a website with Chicago weather on it on my dad's phone. Plus, I figured it out somewhat when dad said he had work there and he was lying. I was right because there were lots of signs pointing to Chicago and I had some guesses of boring places along the way. Guess what Dock we're going to the beer capital of the U.S.A , Milwaukee. Ha. When we arrived in Chicago I noticed something, the hotel we were staying at was right next to the theater where Hamilton was playing.Well it wasn't a not aware thing because Mom and Dad were surprising me with tickets to Hamilton. In fact that was the reason we were staying at the hotel. I always wanted to go because i'm a theater geek and it's the hottest thing. It was my Christmas gift from Grandbobby.  Our hotel room was okay but there was no view because their was ice over the window because it was so cold out. We went to this Italian restaurant down the street called The Village Italian that actually had three restaurants based on fanciness/Italian in one place. We found out this notable bad guy Al Capone ate there once and famous singer Frank Sinatra had his wedding reception there. We got a private booth and ate fantastic food. Then we went to this hotel/gameroom called the Athletic Association where we met a family and played bocce ball with them.
The next day we woke up and had the hotel's continental breakfast. Then we walked in the freezing cold luckily nearby to (name based on Hans Solo's ship, ha not really) the Millennium Park where we took pictures under a giant bean called "The Bean" monument, saw ice skaters and had hot cocoa. Then we took a cab to this cool place called Navy Pier where mom and I got to see a great lake, Lake Michigan, for the first time together. It was a great lake. So big you couldn't see across to the other side and the water was icey.
The pier was mostly inside luckily because it was only 8 or 10 degrees out. There was a ferris wheel outside but it was closed because of the cold. Inside we got some deep dish pizza which was delicious  at a place called Giordonos. Then we checked out this event there called the Winter Wonderfest. I only did one ride because there was other stuff I wanted to do and the lines were long but the "snow tube" slide was fun. Thanks to everyone who gave me birthday cash to get to do events like this! Then mom and I took a cab to the Hancock building which was 95 floors long. While there we learned from a lady that worked there that the Friends star David Swimmer goes there a lot for a drink because he owns a theater near by. There was a long line to get upstairs but a nice lady let ys go ahead because she knew we had to go to the theater afterwards.
We went up to the 95th floor (our ears popped in the elevator like they do when you are flying) to a restaurant called 360. I had a shirley temple and guacamole and we got to see the incredible view from up high. Then came the grand finale of our trip...Hamilton! It was really convenient that our hotel was in the same building since it was so cold. Going down in the elevator there was a man who had brought his son for his 18th birthday present that day at the matinee from Miami and he said it was totally worth the travel and cold weather and everything. He was right because it was awesome. When they first said "Alexander Hamilton" in the opening number everyone cheered because they knew how great of a play it was. We had great seats in the orchestra to the right a little and there were translators for the deaf which was a hard job because they have to translate really fast raps. All the actors were really good. I thought that King George was funny. Alexander Hamilton did a really great job because he had a great amount of the Lin Manuel Miranda vibe. The Chicago trip was really awesome and I recommend it, you should really go there sometime in your life before Hamilton stops playing there.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Dock's Awesome December Featuring a Surprise Trip

Decembers are always great to me because I have my birthday and Christmas. On my bday my grandparents came from West Palm Beach, FL to visit me. I had gotten a cool emoji cake and we had a cul de sac pre party where I rode my bikes with my friends. (The Cook family brought lots of ride on toys and decorated the street with bday messages in sidewalk chalk) Reba had sent me a  bday video message because my Uncle Shane is friends with her and got it for me.  We played a game where you try to eat a donut on a string without your hands. Our regular DJ friend Bama came to it because he's a great freind to Mom and Dad. I got money for a new bike from Nannie in New Jersey which was awesome.
I got tons of great gifts but my absolute favorite was the Nintendo switch which is the hottest game system. I also tried out the Virtual Reality thing at the Microsoft store at the green hills mall since I was finally legally allowed to at 13 years old. We went to Tokyo Japanese Hibachi for my actual birthday with Grandbobby and Grandee and Pepe Bob. Grandee got me a game for the Nintendo Switch called 1-2-3 switch which has lots of fun games like Tennis, Air Guitar and Telephone. I  went to movies to like Star Wars:The Last Jedi and Jumanji:Welcome to the Jungle(named after the beloved Robin Williams film) and we may see another movie either today or tomorrow. I played with my friend Scarlet a little bit and we did stuff like did the Nintendo switch and decorate ugly sweater cookies from Trader Joes. One night on Winter Break Bama(our Dj) called to say he had tickets to something at the symphony. You see other than being a DJ he works there by doing marketing.That thing was Home Alone in concert based on the very popular Christmas movie starring Macaulay Culkin,Joe Pesci and Catherine O Hara. There was actually a chorus in it because there was a scene where Kevin(Macaluary) talks to a man who his brother Buzz calls a murderer in a church with Christmas singers doing it.
Christmas Eve we went to a movie called " It's A Wonderful Life" which was awesome because it's mom's favorite Christmas movie (Elf 2nd) at the Belcourt. Then we went to a little service at a church in Green Hills that was a napkin nativity, I chose to be a sheppard. Then we went to a candle lighting service at Unity. Then G-Bob came over, we made dinner and played Nintendo Switch a little even though he had a cold. The next morning we opened gifts. I got a scooter, tickets to Harry Potter at the symphony, A Wimpy Kid Calendar, Money from grandmothers for my travel/fun fund and a surprise trip from my parents with a surprise adventure from Grandbobby. Then we played Obama Llama, a rhyming game I got my grandfather. I was told to pack my bags for somewhere cold and that we were leaving the next day! I couldn't believe it! More on that in the next post! Here's a few pics....


More on that to come!

Friday, December 1, 2017

I Shaved my mentors head today

Note: it's not as weird as it sounds. At my school we have a thing called Mentors (like homeroom teachers).They're kinda like our role models because we need help in School life. We had been earning trust so we get rewards. For example we had a field trip in May to Birmingham. We had lots of compass work completed so we got to shave the mentors head. I got to go first because I gotten the most compass points on my "paycheck" that they give us. Compass is our way of life at our school and we get points for good stuff we do like raising our hand in class. It's an honor for me because being on compass is a big thing at my school and I got to be the first to shave my mentor's head as a reward. It was great because he trusted us to do it and it was a fun activity. I think he looks good bald. Here's picture of Mr. S with me and my "pride" group.


Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...