Friday, December 1, 2017

I Shaved my mentors head today

Note: it's not as weird as it sounds. At my school we have a thing called Mentors (like homeroom teachers).They're kinda like our role models because we need help in School life. We had been earning trust so we get rewards. For example we had a field trip in May to Birmingham. We had lots of compass work completed so we got to shave the mentors head. I got to go first because I gotten the most compass points on my "paycheck" that they give us. Compass is our way of life at our school and we get points for good stuff we do like raising our hand in class. It's an honor for me because being on compass is a big thing at my school and I got to be the first to shave my mentor's head as a reward. It was great because he trusted us to do it and it was a fun activity. I think he looks good bald. Here's picture of Mr. S with me and my "pride" group.

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Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...