Saturday, March 24, 2018

March for our lives

I wasn't at the march myself today because I have a school dance tonight and also I was getting a little bit of anxiousness about running into people I know unexpectedly. I have a big fear of that and I need some support for that. If you don't know what happened today i'm gonna tell you. There was a big march called March for our Lives all around the country because on February 14th, there was a horrible shooting in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 people. What happened was really sad because a lot were teenagers who have innocent souls and should always be safe at school (and the teachers should be too). The teenager survivors from Parkland really don't want shootings like that to ever happen again ever so they helped organize the march. They also started something called the School Walkout day that I participated in in the parking lot with kids at my school. Millons of people came to the march today to show that we should have stricter laws about things like assault rifles. The teenager survivors are starting  a movement to show how they should finally have those laws. I hope that their inspiring march makes politicians make and enforce laws that will make schools safer.
#marchforourlives #kidslivesmatter


  1. Great new blog Dock. I love the caring and support you're showing for this serious issue. I'm so proud of you, and all the kids today, standing up for what is right!



Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...