Friday, June 22, 2018

My review of "Won't you be My Neighbor'

 Last Saturday I went  to a movie about Mr Rodgers at the Belcourt theatre. I thought it was a quite amazing documentary. I wanted to see Incredibles 2 but my parents really wanted to see "Won't You Be My Neighbor". I am seeing Incredibles 2 on this Saturday with my friend Foley by the way. I'm really impressed how a simple man named Fred Rogers changed history by just being on public television.You see instead of  just singing songs about tying shoes his show actually talked about deep issues in our history. For example, one thing that was a big deal in the 60's was racism and people were doing radical things to keep African Americans seperated. A couple of black people were in a motel pool and a white man put chemicals in it to kick them out. I felt that was a horrible thing and no one should be treated like that. Mr. Rodgers didn't like it himself and did a statement to show how we should treat everyone with kindness. He did it by inviting a "policeman" on the show named Officer Climmens to a wading pool and they had a fantastic time together putting their feet in it. He also was the man who saved public TV. Nixon and his White House buddies were trying to stop public TV from being funded more. They had a big hearing to hear people who don't want their plan for public TV to happen. Mr. Rodgers came there because his life was dedicated to helping kids through public television. Kids needed public tv and so did Mr. Rodgers. His speech was so good he changed the mind of John Pastore who was the one who decided if they'd get the money or not.  If you want to see this press the link . I really think you should see this film because it's really educational and tells the life of a remarkable man.

Image result for won't you be my neighbor


  1. I’m going to go see this now based solely on your review!

  2. I concur!! His quiet and peaceful manner stood out in a world of noise. We need more Fred Rogers in this world. Hey Dock - you’re pretty awesome. Won’t YOU be my neighbor?



Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...