Tuesday, June 13, 2017

My Decluttering Day part 1

Since we have bought a new house we have been decluttering my old toys, books, DVDs, etc.
Yes, I'm really moving this summer but its okay and it's not far away. Mom was talking with a lady she knows who works for Monroe Harding (a foster care system) and  yesterday we took some toys to them for little kids who might need them. The nice lady named Amy who works there gave me and my mom  cool t-shirts that say "even Superman had foster parents". It is true, do you remember that story.?.The lesson is    
to let a child be a hero of their own story by believing in them. I went to a cool room inside Monroe Harding filled with toys. Amy really liked my old Dinosaurs I donated and says she will try to send us pics of those kids in foster care playing with them .If you are interested in helping  contact Amy Bond at monroeharding.org. I really like doing good deeds because It makes me feel awesome.You might see my mom acting in one of the training films to show you how to become a foster parent if you want to train.You don't have to be a foster parent to help.You can donate money or your time.

                                 Heres a pic of me and my new tee


  1. This is great! It was great to meet you! Thank you for sharing the word about Monroe Harding.
    The Foster Youth really will love playing with the dinosaurs they are the coolest!
    -Amy amybond@monroeharding.org

  2. Dock, it must be hard to give away some of your toys and games. Proud of you for decluttering so efficiently! Post pictures of your new room when you & your parents get settled, ok? Keep up the good work!

  3. Dock, your Aunt Karen is so proud of you AND your wonderful mom!I'm thrilled you're experiencing the joy of giving and helping others. I remember a lot of those dinosaurs and am glad they're in great hands. You're a wonderful young man, you know!



Man, it has been a long time since I blogged. Happy New Year! By the way it’s 2021 and the world is in total shambles. I cannot believe that...